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What is a POS Terminal?

The acronym P-O-S stands for “point-of-sales”. Simply speaking, it is wherever a customer needs to pay for a product or service, be it at a cashier, a counter, or if the transaction is physically brought to the customer (for example, in places like restaurants). Wherever the transaction needs to be made, the POS Terminal will be there for both your own and your customer’s convenience. With Weepay, making sure your customers can quickly, easily and securely pay is even more convenient as we provide the backend support as well as the hardware.

What makes a POS Terminal so convenient?

A POS Terminal does everything you need in a transaction involving credit or debit cards manually, but automatically. Taking note of customers’ card details, verifying customers’ accounts and communication to whichever bank or digital payment services to complete a transaction seamlessly and securely all happens instantaneously using this machine.

Weepay facilitates the transactions and the best part is that there is no minimum transaction quota, unlike other payment processing businesses. For a percentage of your transaction total, Weepay processes the entire transaction to ensure you and your customers are satisfied. A merchant’s only concern should be the smooth running and managing of one’s business, whether it be goods, services, or both--Weepay believes that payment headaches should not be a part of a merchant’s everyday worries.

How do I know what kind of POS Terminal is right for me?

There are different types of Terminals for different business owner needs. There are Terminals solely for debit transactions, terminals for both credit and debit transactions, terminals with added capabilities such as allowing card holders to check their bank account balance at any time and even small terminals powered by sim cards for travel convenience (such as deliveries). If you have a specific business need to make transactions easier between yourselves and your customers, Weepay has a Terminal for each one.

Are there any other benefits to owning a POS Terminal provided by Weepay?

The simple answer is: Yes. Weepay offers extra services aside from providing both the hardware and the backend processing. In partnership with Microsoft, we are also able to equip you with Office 365; which are online versions of the entire Office Suite consisting of useful programs like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc, and also Azure, Microsoft’s Online Cloud Storage service.

Weepay offers different bundles of both Terminals and Services in order to ensure the right fit for all merchants that transact with us. With these extra services, managing, transforming, and growing your business will be easier than ever before.

How to acquire a POS Terminal from Weepay?

Why, that’s simple and easy. Simply contact us here, or drop us a message, send an email or call!

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